About the study program




Integrated academic studies of dentistry for obtaining the title of a dental doctor last for six years or 12 semesters (4650 hours) of which 1830 classes of active teaching, 2460 lessons of practical instruction and 360 hours of other forms of teaching - professional practice and thesis. Active teaching is carried out in the form of lectures, exercises and other forms of teaching (seminars, colloquiums, consultations, pre-sessional exercises) and research work in the framework of the thesis.

Student engagement in the study program of integrated acadma stomatology studies is realized through active teaching and is expressed with the number of 360 ETCS. The value of one ETCS corresponds to the student's engagement, on average, from 27 hours.

The ETCS implementation was carried out according to a system in which each subject can have a different number of points, but the total number of points in all subjects in one academic year is 60. Within each subject, teaching activities are defined for achieving the goal and outcomes of the course, and the student achieves points , envisaged for the subject during pre-service activities and after the final exam.

The teaching process of the course in the study program takes place during one, and most in the course of two semesters in accordance with the curriculum of teaching.

The curriculum of the study program of dentistry enables students of the first year of studies to adopt knowledge from general subjects (Medicine and Society, Medical Statistics and Informatics, Social Medicine with Epidemiology and Hygiene and Physical Education), medical, preclinical subjects: Molecular and Human Genetics, Anatomy, Histology and embryology, Biochemistry and oral biochemistry, and Morphology of teeth - pre-clinical, theoretical-methodological subject. In the second year of the study, students, in addition to basic medical science and acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for mastering the curriculum of clinical skills, acquire knowledge from a dental preclinical object - Dental materials and Dental prosthetics - preclinical. The curriculum of the third year of dentistry includes subjects in the category of clinical medicine: Neurology and psychiatry with medical psychology, Radiology, Internal medicine (pediatrics, infectious diseases, physical medicine and rehabilitation), Pharmacology with toxicology, Surgery (gynecology with obstetrics, ophthalmology) , as well as preclinical objects: Diseases of the tooth pre-clinical and anesthesia in dentistry. In the fourth and fifth year of the study program of dentistry students acquire knowledge and skills from dental clinical subjects. In the fourth year of the course: Risk Diseases, Oral Surgery, Dental Prosthetics Clinic I, Restorative Dentistry, Oral Medicine, Preclinical Endodontics, Gnathology and Preventive Dentistry. In the fifth year, students gain knowledge and skills from the following subjects: Oral Hygiene, Dental Prosthodontics Clinic II, Clinical Endodontics, Orthopedics of Forks, Periodontics, Children's Dentistry. In the sixth year, they acquire knowledge and skills in Otorhinolaryngology, Implantology, Maxillofacial Surgery, while in the XII semester there is a teaching in Fine Medicine, a block of teaching from Restorative Dentistry and Pedodontics in order to acquire clinical knowledge and skills in dentistry.

Elective courses are envisaged in the II semester, and through the elective blocks in each year of study. In the first year, the student chooses one of two offered electives. In all other years she chooses two electives from the offered subjects. Elective courses provide an opportunity for students to affirm their preferences and attitudes toward specific areas of dentistry.

After completing all the subjects envisaged in the curriculum of integrated academic studies in dentistry, the student approaches the preparation and defense of the thesis.